Coarse graining of biomolecules
and beyond

7 October 2017
  Warsaw, Poland

Venue & Travel

Coarse graining of biomolecules and beyond: theory and applications

7 October, 2017 | Warsaw, Poland

The main purpose of the workshop is to share the experience in coarsegraining among the growing coarse-graining community in Poland and, possibly, other European countries. Therefore, the main format of the workshop will be short presentations of the software developed in participants' laboratories illustrated with examples of its application to biological problems. The workshop will include also several longer, hands-on sessions giving the opportunity to test software on participants' own laptops, as well as ample time for informal discussions.

Thanks to financial support of our host, the Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, we will provide morning coffee, lunch and coffee breaks during the day. Each participant is expected, however, to cover her/his travel, accommodation, and living expenses. There will be a possibility to go together to one of local restaurants at one's own expense in the evening.